
June 10, 1944

 Dear Mother & Dad,

             I got three letters from you today.  Boy, what a jackpot!  Just try to imagine how I feel!  (if you can).

             I had a very nice letter from Thelma and two from Barbara.  Also one from Dorothy.

             Just heard about the invasion.  Sounds good but it will be a pretty hard task, I am sure.  I think it will be costly.

             I don’t know much news today.  So bear with me.  One of the fellows in Morrison’s squadron is going home.  He was grounded today.  Boy, what a break for him!  How I wish to God it were me.  I think I will be over here for quite a while yet.  Mr. Mullins should be able to tell Dad some of his old experiences and you will know what we will be up against.  But anyway, I am sure we can do it.

             We have our tent fixed up pretty nice now with a beautiful view of the ocean and a nice beach to play on in the evening just before supper.  Helps the appetite, too.  My radio is worth its’ weight in gold now, especially because of the invasion.  Of course, Radio Tokio says it’s all a flop but we listen to San Francisco, too.  Tokio does have good music for us, tho.  You would really get a bang out of Tokio.  They must think we are mighty stupid.

             Well, Mom, please excuse this would be letter and I’ll write again when I have more news.  At least, you know I am O.K.

             Enclosed are some pictures you might like.  I have wasted some precious film on my camera and they weren’t any good.  Chase made these.

                                                                                                 All my love,


