
New Guinea

 Dearest Mother, Dad, & Velma,

             They are beginning to forward my mail down from up North.  I got eight letters yesterday.

             I am enclosing two pictures that I had made while on leave.  They are pretty good so you might like them.  To me they look like I may be showing my age but I still feel like a sixteen year old and that is what counts.  I am also sending one to the Harvester Co. because they asked for one to send to Chicago.

             I have an idea we may be here in this place for about 2 months.  It is not a bad place because there are a few women (nurses) around and we have a club house for dances, etc.  Surely does help, too.

             I am doing lots of flying & will do more later on.  My flight seems to be improving and that is what I want to see.  The training I got back in Providence is what we are giving these boys.  All they did in the States was to learn how to get in the air & back down, so you see, we have our hands full.

             I think I told you that Frank Morrison and I are together in the new squadron.  He got his captaincy just before me moved.  I should have mine pretty soon now.  I surely will be glad, too.  By the way, the 340 lost their first man not long ago.  Tough luck, but we sure went a long time without loss.

             Well, Mom, this is all for now.  Write soon.

                                                                                                 All my love,


