Dec. 9, 1944


 Dearest Mother and Dad,

             How are you folks today?  I have really been taking it easy the past two days because the rain has slowed us down.  However, the rest has done me good and given me time to think & relax.

             Day before yesterday we had our biggest fight.  I was right in the middle of it all and didn’t get a thing.  I had two beautiful shots but I didn’t shoot because they looked quite a bit like ours.  When I did recognize them as Japs, it was too late.  Major Dunham got four more which brings his total to fifteen.  We got fourteen during the fight and never lost a man.  Two Nips latched on to me but I dived away and got away from them.  Lots of fun, eh?

             Well, Mom and Dad, here’s the sad news!  I was told last night that Major Dunham was going home and that I am to take over the squadron.  I have no choice other than flatly refuse and I can’t do that.

             Capt. Parsons is going home about the same time so that leave Frost and I with the squadron.  If I hadn’t been over here so long it would be too good to be true but I had rather go home.  As it stands, I have a good chance for another promotion to a Major – within a short while and the pay, as you know, is plenty high; but I would pass all that up if I could go home.  Being Squadron Commander is plenty of responsibility and I don’t know if I can handle or not.  There are three hundred men you have to think for and take care of and it is one big job.  I won’t be able to fly as much as I have been because of the other duties.  As for going home after that, I don’t know.  That is handled thru Washington as I understand it.  In case you have forgotten it is the same position that Major MacDonald had when you visited me in Providence.

             I hope you will not be too disappointed about this, and, too, it may fall thru but that is what I was told last night.

             If I do have to stay here I might as well get something out of it. But I am very homesick for you and Dad.  I hope you will try and understand.  This war is quite a long way from being over in my viewpoint so it may all work out O.K.

             Be sure, Mom, and be on the lookout for write-ups about P-47’s and also the Black Ram Squadron in the Philippines.  Keep them and send me the duplicates.

             Don’t let what I told you out of the family because that is strictly personal and if it does happen it will be put out thru official channels.  Keep it under your hat!

             How is everything at home?  We have had mail only once since we have been here so you can imagine how anxious I am to hear from you.  I hope my mail has not been delayed in reaching you because I know you are worried.  This has been a pretty hot spot but is beginning to cool-off somewhat now – Thank God!

             I will increase my allotment in a few days to $200.00 a month so that should help plenty.  By the way, Mom, I wish you would tell me the total I have saved now.  I have no idea how much I have and I would like to know.  Seems like I should have about $3000.00

             Well, I guess this about finishes this up today.  Write often and take care of yourself and Dad.

                                                                                                 All my love,



P.S.  I will have Major Dunham and Capt. Parsons call you.

             Dunham lives in Idaho &

            Parsons            Indiana.

