Dec. 17, 1944


 Dearest Mother, Dad, & Velma;

             I haven’t written the past few days because I have been very busy.  I am now in command of the squadron and I didn’t know there were so many headaches attached to the job.  Nevertheless, I am determined to do a good job of it.  I don’t fly so much now as I did, previously, because of the many things I have to look into.  It is lots of fun but a lot of responsibility.  Since I sunk that Nip destroyer everybody really treats me swell.  I wonder if you have heard about that yet.

             We haven’t had any mail in a very long time and I do want to hear from you and find out how everyone is getting along.

             Major Banks, the group C.O., told me he would send me home as soon as Bill Orr returned from leave in the States.  That shouldn’t take too long because he should be on his way back by now.  So now I guess I may be home in January or February.  That sounds too good to be true so I won’t build my hopes too high.

             We have just moved to a new area and we are all mixed-up in the move as it has been raining quite heavily lately.  We are located in a beautiful coconut grove with a winding river just about 5 ft. from my tent.  We swim in the river all the time and everyone enjoys it.

             I fount out yesterday that Paul Dillon, (ex-I.H.C.) lives just a short way from here so I sent him a note to look me up when he has time.  Surely would like to see Paul.

             I wonder what has been going on at home since I last heard from you.  I pray that everything is still O.K. and will continue to be that way.  It won’t be long ‘til Xmas is here and that much closer to the end of the war.  I have a squadron radio and the news is pretty good all over.  I don’t see how the Germans can last much longer.  We haven’t had any bombing the past few days so things have been nice as far as that goes.  We are doing O.K. here now so don’t worry about me.

             I guess this is all for tonight so be good and write soon



APO 72


