85th Fighter Wing

APO 72

San Francisco - Calif.


Feb. 28, 1945

Dearest Mother and Dad,

        Well, I am still here waiting on my orders to come thru. From past experience, I think it will be at least two more weeks before they come thru and then I will more than likely have to go back to New Guinea in order to get a ride home. That is the way it has been handled heretofore. It is the same ole Army game of hurry up and wait. I get extremely disgusted with the way things are handled, but, I can't do anything about it. If transportation is not available in New Guinea, I'll just have to sit there and wait for it. I have heard some fellows have waited as much as two months for a ride home.

        I am feeling fine now. I finally got over my yellow jaundice O.K. and the rest in the hospital really fixed me up in fine shape. I guess I had just worked myself down, and too, our missions had been very "hot". I you read the papers you know what I mean.

        Looks like the war is just about over in the Philippines. The boys haven't had a fight since the last on I was in so their morale is getting down. They aren't as peppy as the used to be. It takes a few fights to keep you on your toes.

        I just sit here and wonder how things are going to be at home and in the States. Just think, I have been away nearly two years! I wonder if I have changed much and if the war has affected me. Naturally, I can't tell it. I hope I haven't changed too much or aged very much. I'll bet you think I have. I am getting a few gray hairs about my ears. Maybe I should get out the shoe polish like you do, Mom?

        I wonder how Velma, Thelma, & Kat are getting along. I hope everyone is O.K. and that the two years I have been away haven't changed them much.

        Frost and I site here by the hours talking about what we are going to do. What we are going to eat, etc. Mom, be sure and fix me some snap back-eyed peas, corn bread sticks, plenty of milk, veal cutlets, & plenty of milk & some angel food cake - I'll be happy then. Oh yes, Mom, I haven't had a salad since I left home. Gosh, makes me roaring mad to think about all this.

        Tell Dot Cooke I'll write soon but I hope to leave here in a couple of weeks. Give my regards to all my fiends - Joe Bowen, Carl Anderson, Mr. Keller, and everyone else.

        Don't worry if you don't hear from me. I'll be on my way home.

                                                                                                   Love, Son

p.s. Barber left this morning - He will wire you in 'Frisco.

