December 1, ‘43

Dearest Mother and Dad,

             How are you today? I hope you are not as tired as I am.  I am not flying this afternoon and the rest is really coming in fine.  I have been working pretty hard lately but I don’t mind when I get to rest after.

             I got two Nolan County paper last night that were put out on the 16th Sept. so you see they were fairly old. Nevertheless, they were very interesting.

             So you don’t think too much of Barbara.  Well, Mom, don’t get too excited. If the situation doesn't improve when I get back, it will all change.  You can count on that.

             Mom, I am enclosing a picture of myself at the decoration ceremony.  General Kinney is pinning the Air Medal on me.  You can imagine how I felt. As for putting things in the paper, you can have the picture enlarged a little and put in.  I feel that is a real accomplishment and not just a lot of Bull.  Just do what ever you want to about it.

             Well, Mom, write often and keep me informed.  Try not to worry too much and give my love to the neighbors.  Mrs. Kyle, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Casky, Mrs. Eakin and Mrs. Kay.

                                                                                                 All my love,

