March 17, 1944

 Dearest Mother and Dad,

 We are standing by on alert now so I have a little time to tell you more about things in general.  Our new place is very pretty along the sea coast and we get a very nice breeze and the heat doesn’t bother us as much now.  However, every time we get out of our tents we stick up to our necks in mud.  We have a very large river that runs thru the camp area and is as cold as ice. Reminds me of our treks thru New Mexico.  We usually bathe in it as it runs fast and is fairly clean.  Lytle and Chase and Hnatio and I are still living together.  I don’t know where you would find a better bunch of fellows anywhere.  They are tops.  We all get along well.  I was with Hnatio the other day in our fight and he got one.  I confirmed it for him for I saw it all happen.  He how has five and is rated an ace.  As yet, I haven’t been scratched but I have been very lucky so far.  It has just so happened that I haven’t been in a place where I could do any good.  It is just a matter of being in the right place at the right time.  Some day I hope I can paint a few flags on my ship.  They have quit giving decorations for missions so I missed out on that, too.  Otherwise, I would now have the D.F.C. with three clusters for my Air Medal.  I will soon have my required time in and also all my one hundred missions.  Well, Mom, I must stop and put my ship up so I can go to the tent and see if I have any mail.  Here’s hoping I have a lot.

             Please write as often as you can.  I know you do and I do write as often as I can and the rest is in the tie up between here and home.

             ‘Bye for now and give all my regards.



