Oct. 17, 1944

Dutch East Indies

 Dearest Mother, Dad, & Velma;

             Hope you like the news from down here.  From what I have heard, it sounds good.  We are back on extremely long missions again and I will be very glad when we are thru with them.  Imagine flying from Sweetwater to Texarkana and back without stopping.  Surely makes the fanny tired, too.  Have been doing lots of dive-bombing but so far they haven’t been good enough with their ack-ack.

             I got the birthday card yesterday and I thank you very much for it.  The fellows in the squadron think I am lying when I tell them my age, but truthfully, I do feel a little older than I did when I left home.  I hope there won’t be too much difference by the time I return.

             Our mail hasn’t been coming thru too good lately so I am sure I will have lots of mail in the next few days.

             By the way, Mom, you remember the P-47 that crashed in Abilene?  Well, from what I read about it, I think the pilot was 100% at fault.  He was plenty high (20,000 ft.) and had lots of time to get it under control.  He just got scared and didn’t know what to do.  That is the big trouble with new pilots in “hot” ships.  They forget to use the ole noggin.  It won’t be long ‘til I’ll be flying around in a Mustang.  They are a little faster at lower levels and have a very good reputation.  But, the Thunderbolt is king of all fighters.  I really have a soft spot in my heart for the ole ‘jug’.  (P-47)

             Well, this is all at present.  I’m in fine shape but homesick.  Write often!

                                                                                                 All my love,


