Dutch New Guinea

Feb. 4, 1945

 My Dearest Mother & Dad,

             While I have been waiting for my orders to go home here at the hospital, I came down with Dengue Fever.  This makes the fourth time I have had the stuff.  It is also known as the “Bone Breaker” and, believe me, it does just that!

             I haven’t had any mail since I left the Philippines on Jan. 6, so I am very anxious to know how you are.  I don’t know how long I will be here – maybe a few more days, or could be a month or so.  I am sure you are very anxious about when to expect me but I can’t tell you for I have not the slightest idea.  I hope & pray it will be very soon.

             This hospital irkes me very much because they haven’t been close to any actual fighting, and they seem to think they do you a favor by even talking to you.  They don’t know what it is all about.

             I have met some very nice fellows here (officers) and at times we really give the nurses a bad time.  We have to do things like that to keep our morale up.  I am cured now of my hook worms and they are giving me medicine now for my nerves.  I don’t notice it but they seem to think I am a little nervous.  I think it is mostly restlessness.  You know how I am when some one tries to keep me in bed.  I did have a little trouble sleeping but that was when we were in the thick of it.

             I wish my orders would hurry & come thru for I am ready to go home.  I have been very homesick for a long time.

             If you want to write to me here it will be O.K. – I may get it and I may not.  I might even have to go back to the Philippines to get them.

             A fellow patient here in the ward is a pilot from Florida and his mother sent him a clipping about the time we sunk the Nip convoy.  It had me in it and told all about it.  I wonder if you saw it.  I hope you did.  I have the clipping and will bring it home with me.

             I guess this about winds up the news that I know.  Seems like the Germans are catching hell and the Nips are catching it over here – I know!

             Give everyone my regards.  Tell Dot Cooke I am sorry I haven’t written but it has been very hard to write anyone but you and Barbara.  I hope to see all my friends soon.  Anyway, you should be getting my mail soon so save it all for me.

             ‘Bye for now!

                                                                                                 Love,  Son

