October 1, 1943

Dearest mother and dad,

             Well, here it is October and our summer season is just beginning. When we got hear it was winter so you can imagine what I am in for. I hope it isn't too bad. I guess you know by now that I am a First Lt.  I am really glad but still they waited a very long time. It all depends on what outfit you get in. All our old pilots are going to be Firsts.

             Still don't know much news to tell you. Guess you hear about it after it happens in news reports. Matson had hard luck last week.  Just one of those things I guess. We sure hated to lose him. He was a very good boy.

             Lytle, Chase and I are still waiting for our leave.  We are getting very impatient. A week isn't very long but it will certainly help. 

             My ship is still running very good and I like it fine. I hope my pictures turned out O. K. I will send them as soon as I get them.

             It is just a month till Barbara will be down to see you. That is the latest I have heard.  I am very glad she is going down so you can see what a very nice girl she is.  You will like her very much I am sure. She told me she was very excited about the trip and she wants you to like her so badly.  She said she had much rather have me there to introduce her and so she wouldn't feel so much like a stranger.  Mom please do your best to make her visit pleasant and happy.  Use my money for things you may want to fix up before she gets there.  I hope you take her over to Abilene while she is there so she can visit Thelma.  Gosh, how I wish I were there to help you entertain her.  We would really have lots of fun.  All of us.  Well, anyway when I do get back I'll make up for lost time.

             Say, Dad, do you ever see Parker?  Give him my regards the next time you see him.  Tell him I am sure he would have lots of fun over here.  We really do have lots of fun at times. I just wish you could see us.  There are so many things that depends on the individual over here in our type of flying.  It is just like a football game but more exciting.  When one is tackled  he is down for keeps usually.  I wish you could hear us over the radio.  Better than any football game you ever listen to. I hope we keep doing as well as we have been.

             Well, I have run out of gab. So that is a good place to stop.

             By the way I am getting a few papers now.

             Write soon and tell me all the gossip.


