Dec.23, 1943

 Dearest Mother, & Dad,

             Well, we are a little more settled today and we are getting a very nice tent set up.  We are putting everything we can get our hands on in it. After we get it finished I’ll send you a picture of it.  I think you will get a big kick out of it.  I am quite used to this type of living now & I don’t mind it at all.  Just think, every since I have been overseas I have lived in a tent.  I think living in a house would be very different.

             I am still doing my regular job with the squadron.  I don’t like it because I don’t get to fly as often as some of the other fellows.  There is a lot of responsibility to the job, in fact too much at times, but I had much rather fly.

             I think I will get a new airplane soon as mine has quite a bit of time on it now.  It still runs good but the newer ones are a little better.  My crew chief is from Boston but I am getting another because I think he is getting a little careless.  After all, he can make me or break me.  I have had some wonderful mechanics before so I am going to get one of them.

             We have a beautiful strip to operate from.  I hope they show it in the newsreel sometimes.  It is very hot during the day but the nights are wonderful.  The mosquitoes are not as bad as they were where I used to be.  However the few we do have are the bad ones.  We keep well doped against them, tho.

             We now have 101 to our credit which sounds fantastic but true.  Just proves good plane and good training can get the job done.  So far I have 52 trips without seeing the enemy other than on the ground.  However, since we have moved I should be getting into some good scrapes.  At least, I hope so.

             Well, Mom, must say goodnight ‘cause I get up before daylight in the morning.  Tell Dorothy I just received her package a few minutes ago.  Write soon!



 P.S. I am enclosing our menu for Thanksgiving.

