Feb. 6, 1944

New Guinea

 Dearest Mother & Dad, & Velma;

             How are you today? I am in fine shape and taking it all very easy, wishing it would all hurry and end.

             I had quite a surprise the other day.  I met Jack Faver over here.  He is a radio man and I think he is darn good.  He has been over to my tent visiting me and, in fact, he is here at my table right this minute.  If you see Garland Vinson tell him where Jack is working since you know where I am – We have been talking over the old times and bringing back some very interesting memories.  He worked on my radio a while ago and brought the volume up and we can get some good programs now.  Even if I paid a whole lot for it, it is worth it over here.

             I got a letter from Lillian Harkins today.  I sent her a Xmas card and she answered it with a letter.  It was very nice and I appreciated it very much.

             I also got three very nice Xmas packages today from Barbara.  She sent me just about everything.  They were perfect gifts.

             I am getting some pictures developed tonight by some enlisted men in the squadron who do that for a pastime so I may be able to send them tomorrow. 

             Mom I haven’t anything new to write about tonight so please excuse the rambling.  I had today off and also tomorrow so I will stay in bed most of the time getting a lot of good sleep and rest.

             Keep the mail coming as you always do and don’t forget I love you with all my heart, and I miss you all very, very much.

             Give my love to Kat and Thelma, Grandma, and all the friends.

                                                                                                 All my love,


